Educational Team
The Teachers
The teaching team is made up of teachers from the French Ministry of Education, as well as staff recruited locally on the basis of their training, educational experience and areas of expertise
Massimiliano MACCARIO
-The teaching team is made up of teachers from the French Ministry of Education, as well as staff recruited locally on the basis of their training, educational experience and areas of expertise.
The Mission laïque française, a state-operated association, is mandated to support the school’s pedagogical and academic operations, in consultation with the school’s Board of Directors and Headmaster. It also participates in the recruitment of seconded teachers, and offers ongoing pedagogical training tailored to the specific context of our school.
The quality of the teaching provided is monitored by the Mission Laïque Française during its regular visits. The latest Mlf inspection of EFAN, on December 12, 2023, noted the diversity of teaching situations and tools offered by the entire educational team, and highlighted the serene climate in which students work in each of the school’s three sections. Certain points in the visit report deserve mention:
-The teachers who accompany students enrolled with the CNED not only supervise the courses offered by the CNED, they also provide real pedagogical support. In the sessions observed, they enrich the CNED’s proposals, offer multi-media support and create collaborative situations between students. This is the real added value of EFAN’s pedagogical organization.
-In all the multi-level classes, the teachers have created a variety of spaces that create excellent working conditions, either independently or as part of teacher-led learning situations.
-During interviews, teachers expressed their satisfaction at working with small groups, and their attachment to their pupils. They appreciate the attentiveness and support of their principal, who has made a major contribution to improving internal communication. The teaching team’s commitment is clear to see.
All the class observations and interviews that followed demonstrated the quality of the teaching offered by EFAN. This is confirmed by the way students behave in class: they are motivated, relaxed and active participants.